Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 All those who have done anything to enable, and have resisted doing anything to stop, this wicked, perverse, mentally ill maniac, and this includes many, many democrats, liberals, etc. will have to answer for their actions or inactions. I actually have no understanding as to what mess of pottage any of the enablers, including the entire legal system, top to bottom, has gained. I do know that the gains made by the rich during the period of the right's ascendancy have gone to just as many who self-identify as "liberal", "left", whatever. This might provide the key as to why any efforts to improve the economic situation of the non-rich during this period of "conservative" ascendancy (I'd say the post Clinton/Gingrich era), have been essentially ghosted by the well-off/well-placed "liberals". The moth like attraction to wedge issues, that never should have been politicized (sexuality, religion), carefully supplied by right-wing wonks, and the careful indifference to bread and butter issues relating to the non-rich (housing, healthcare, education, economic insecurity) was always perplexing, as was the willingness to allow the political, legislative, and judicial processes to be steamrollered by the right, until I realized the benefits of that status quo (i.e. accelerating income inequality) go to the well-off/well-placed of all political persuasions. Predators do not respond to guilt trips, and both Obama and RBG bear great responsibility for what has happened that will likely affect generations of human beings, and the entire biosphere of this miraculous planet.

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